Vascular disease is caused by the build-up of fatty substances that collect and stick to the linings of your arteries, in a process known as atherosclerosis. It may also be referred to as plaque, blockage, lesion, or stenosis. As the plaque build-up continues, the internal lining of your artery thickens which causes the artery to narrow and limit blood flow to vital tissues and organs. Some of the more commonly affected arteries are those located in the heart, legs, arms, neck, and kidneys. The symptoms from these blockages depend on what artery is affected and the severity of the blockage causing limited blood flow. Arteries in your neck are called carotid arteries.
Treatment options include surgery and stenting. A potential complication of both surgery and stenting is a stroke during the procedure itself. For patients at higher risk for the open surgical procedure, we are introducing TCAR. TransCarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR) is a new, less-invasive treatment option used to repair clogged carotid arteries, reducing the risk of stroke. Well-suited for those patients at higher risk of complications from carotid surgery due to age, anatomy or other medical conditions, it holds low stroke risk and faster patient recovery.